Gary Pollock


Gary’s interest in national parks and public lands began with several family vacations during his high school years.  Although the NPS became his career and the parks became his workplace, he feels that first and foremost he is a visitor to our parks and public lands. 

Gary joined the GTA board after retiring in 2018 from a career with the National Park Service that spanned 42 years.  The last 16 years of his career were spent as a member of the Senior Leadership Team at Grand Teton, where he served as Management Assistant and Senior Advisor to the Superintendent.  He began his career with the NPS in field ranger positions in interpretation, resource management, and a decade as a law enforcement ranger in Rocky Mountain, Joshua Tree, Yellowstone, and Shenandoah national parks.

He believes that the Grand Teton Association plays an important role in increasing visitor enjoyment, appreciation, and understanding of public lands along with connecting underserved segments of our society to public lands and addressing challenges such as climate change.